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Kat Von D- Shade and Light Eye Palette

Since Dundee Debenhams finally has a Kat Von D counter I thought it was only fitting to share my views on this pallet. Ever since Kat Von D became available in the UK I had my eyes on this pallet, it just seamed the perfect pallet, for me and my love of Matte eye shadow. So after getting Debenhams vouches for Christmas it gave me the perfect excuse to finally buy it.

I have to say since getting this pallet I have used it every day I've worn make up and I love it. The shadows themselves are soft and powdery, which makes it so they blend amazingly and very easily. I love the shade range in this pallet with the mix of cool and warm tones means there are endless looks you can come up with. 

I really like the three bigger pans on the top, they are defiantly three that I'm going through the most. The middle one makes an excellent contour shade for my very pale skin and doesn't look muddy and is also a great crease colour. The 1st one it my perfect base shadow colour and lets other shadows blend on top of it with ease. and the last one is a perfect warm crease colour.

The smaller pans give you all you will ever need to create hundreds of different looks. They are all highly pigmented and blend amazingly. I've yet to find another white that is as good and the one in this pallet.

Kat Von D- Shade and Ligh Eye Pallet £37

I would  110% recommend this pallet, I absolutely love it and I can wait to try more KVD products. 

What's your favourite eye shadow pallet?

Thank you so much for reading 

Bath's Beauty xxx


  1. Aaaah you have hit pan so hard on the white! I still need to hit pan on an eyeshadow, you need to stop me buying more until I do!

    Erin || MakeErinOver

  2. I know!!, it is amazing Under eye powder!, DONT BUY ANYMORE! hahaha <3
