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Blonde Hair Routine

I love my blonde hair and I love keeping my hair ashy blonde!, when I 1st went blonde I tried so many products to keep my hair looking and feeling heathy and also keeping it ashy. These are my current go to and favourites.

The Shampoo and Conditioner set I have fallen in love wth for keeping the bleach damage to a minimum and keep my Hair looking heathy id the Moroccan Oil Moisture Repair Shampoo and Conditioner- These bottles have lasted me since the end of February and they aren't half way done yet. You only need a tiny bit. I love that may hair feels properly clean but also it feels stronger. 

Too keep my hair Ashy and the blonde I like, is the Lee Stafford Bleach Blonde Shampoo, This has been the only blonde shampoo/tone I have found that doesn't leave my hair feeling like straw and it removes all of the brassy tones. 

I have been loving the Moroccan Oil Treatment-it makes my hair feel so soft and look shiny but not  greasy and I now don't think I could not use it.

What is your favourite hair product?

Thank you for Reading

Bath's Beauty xox 


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